
The Project will develop a close co-operation with a range of stakeholders, particularly the Department for Common Services in Education (DCSE)

The Project specific target audiences are: All primary and secondary schools, including Vocational Education, teachers, head teachers, managers and other staff.

The CPDIM Project acknowledges the reforms and earlier support projects implemented within the Education Sector, as well as the ongoing curricular developments taking place in the VET sector of Secondary Education.

The stakeholder engagement will mean that the Project staff will work in partnership, during the lifetime of the Project, at system level, with the Education Inspection, Supervision and Guidance Board, Ataturk Teachers’ Training Academy, the Curriculum Development Department, the Primary and General Secondary Education Department and the VET Department.

In terms of the planned and sustainable training activities, as well as working closely with the DCSE, the CPDM Project will develop special links with the Ataturk Teacher’s Training Academy to build its capacity to plan and deliver CPD, as well as other bodies which may be appropriate for the delivery of CPD.

Where appropriate, the Project staff will consult with any accredited Universities, as well as teachers unions which provide professional development training in the northern part of Cyprus.