Project Title: Improving Teaching and Learning, through a Continuous Professional Development Mechanism Project Aim: This project aims to support the on-going reform of the Education Sector northern part of Cyprus, by facilitating the creation of a continuous professional development mechanism for teachers and head teachers, as well as support the development of effective school inspectorate and supervision activities. Implementation of the Project activities will include: Technical assistance, training events, study visits and awareness raising activities There are four main Tasks of the CPDIM Project which together, will support achievement of the Project Aim. Task 1: Support the creation of a continuous professional development mechanism for in-service teachers Task 2: Analyse and strengthen training programmes provided for in-service primary education teachers Task 3: Support the improvement of teacher’s ICT skills and their use of ICT in the learning and teaching process Task 4: Support the design and implementation of an effective inspection framework that will act both for The activities implemented, during the lifetime of the CPDM Project will include:
setting standards and as a development tool for schools
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